Rawle Design Studio

FL:For people who may not know, tell us how you got started in costume design?

RDS: Years ago before even the thought of becoming a costume designer, I’d do repairs to costumes, in those days a lot of  gems will be falling off etc so I’d assist friends and family with that. I also took on jobs to do  boots to match your costumes.. and well that lead to a band seeing my work and asking me to try my hand and submit designs.. did that.. media was good to me and been upwards since.

FLWith so many people being introduced to the carnival every year, for the carnival newbies, can you explain the differences between backline, frontline & ultra frontline?

RDS: Backline is really the simplest of the costumes.. mostly for those either on a budget or those that prefer the least on. This usually consists on body  wear with a small  feathered piece or without. Frontlines are for who love it all.. the bigger the better… bodywear is usually more bedazzled  but less coverage..lol… with the bigger. Feather pieces …. Ultra frontline  or individual is for the Diva  who wants  no one to look like her…. her costume is usually the full works and everything bigger than the frontline.. usually the show stoppers.

FL: Every year masqueraders are looking forward to being blown away from fantastic costume designs, how do you stay inspired and come up with new concepts carnival after carnival? 

RDS: Inspiration  is everywhere… there is always something  new, new fabrics, new textures, new trims/gems etc.. though we may kno  what sells and most masqueraders tend to stay in their comfort zone, we always look for new ways to re invent whether like i said it be a new fabric, or colour palette. My inspiration  sometimes  comes  from the most weirdest  places,things we see, things people wear, show windows, to flowers, to graffiti.. anything gets the mind ticking

FL: Walk us through the process, from the concept of the costume to it being worn by a masquerader and any troubles you may face in between.

RDS: There is so much the average masqueraders  dont know which we refer to the BTS…. Alot goes on before a costume hits a band launch stage… the band will inform us of theme, we submit colors and fabrics, this is to ensure no one else choose the same  thing happens still… designs are done, there is  critique  process where we may be asked to change, adjust or even re do till it becomes the vision on what the band wants to portray… then photo shoot happens.. followed by launch….. then registrations And production takes priority….distribution  followed by revelry…

FL: If you had to tell Mas players one thing from a costume designers aspect, what would it be?  

RDS: Choose a costume that speaks to you, whether it be colour, style, appropriate  for your body structure. We go through alot, some more than others, to ensure there is  something  for everyone with hope the designs are received well.

FL: Men & Mas – As we look at concept designs, Do you think there’s a demand for more men’s frontline costumes, and why do we not see more of it from mas bands? 

RDS: It’s unfortunate that some leaders in mas in today’s carnival world refuse to give the guys more simply bcos their own image and their ignorance towards ‘homosexuality’ as it is alleged that only men of a certain demographic chooses the frontline options. Yes we do beleive carnival is about the women but the modern male masquerader demands more. Some bands offer the options to upgrade to frontline pieces  and some bands jus dont believe in it as it’s not the image they would like to put forth.

FL: What bands can we expect to see your designs in for the carnival seasons of 2020? 

RDS:God has been good. I continue to spread my work in 2020 to destinations  such as St Lucia, Miami, Bermuda,  Barbados, Trinidad, Toronto just to name a few.

FL: For aspiring costume designers out there or anyone looking to get into the craft, what advice would you give them?

RDS: I always get this… daily i get messages from new designers … I always let them kno, it’s not all the glitz u see…. its def not the profession  for the weak…. politics is alive and where some got it..others gotta work for it… but if this is a preferred career path, keep the eye on the prize and maintain  focus and thru determination  of course  anything  is possible…

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