FL: Welcome to ”Carnival Influence.”  For people who are not subscribed to the vibe, let them know who OHGVIBE is and how it came about?

O: OHGVibe is your best carnival friend who just happens to have a camera. My brand is culture-based. Through my lens, I try to bring the Caribbean together based on our similarities but also to intrigue the outside world with our uniqueness. My YouTube channel emerged after having the desire to learn video editing and my first set of footage was from a J’ouvert party which I recorded on Snapchat.

FLPeople from all over are starting to gravitate more and more to the carnival scene. If someone traveling to st Lucia carnival for the first time, what advice would you give them- BESS FETES, Bands, Places to stay & where to eat, etc?

O: If you’re traveling to St. Lucia, or any carnival for the first time in 2020 I would highly suggest checking out my detailed videos on the Best Fetes, Bands, Accommodations and places to eat on my YouTube Channel ‘OHGVIBE’.

FL: What aspect makes St. Lucia different from any other carnival?

O: Every carnival has its uniqueness that attracts persons to it. St. Lucia of course has Dennery Segment, which unless you come to St. Lucia Carnival you will never understand it and the spirit it evokes. Secondly, St. Lucia is a tourism destination and is very picturesque. Even while getting stink and dutty in a J’ouvert, you could look up and be amazed by the scenery. A very honourable mention is our Monday & Tuesday Parade route. Honestly, I’ve never seen a better route which blends simplicity and pace very well. 

FL: Outside of the carnival season, how do you come up with the content for your YouTube channel, and do you prefer vlogs or sit down videos? 

O: Outside of the carnival season I try to plan videos which aren’t directly centered around carnival but won’t disturb my niche too much. Recently I’ve fallen in love with sit down videos as it allows me to tighten my quality in video and sound and deliver content that’s fun but also more diverse.

FL: What people and/or brands would you like to work with in the future?

O: As soon as 2020 begins, I will be working with the G.O.A.T, Global Carnivalist, and some other brands that I can’t mention just yet to deliver an amazing Trinidad Carnival experience to our followers and subscribers. This will be the introduction to a new way to view travel and mas in the world. Stay Tuned!

FL: With Your Carnival Influence, if given the right tools. How would you push the carnival culture forward & what would you  like the new comers of carnival to know about the culture?

O: What I’d love to see in the carnival arena is more support from the respective tourism authorities. Carnival has become the main export of a lot of islands recently and needs to be treated with the respect it deserves as it brings plenty revenue and exposure to these places. This will ultimately allow for carnival to be propelled into bigger realms and presented to new comers as a great business product, not only vulgar fun as some persons view it.

FL: Jumping to Trinidad, I know you have your fetes planned out, what fetes are you looking forward to the most & why?

O: For Trinidad Carnival 2020 I will probably need a doppelgänger to be able to attend all these events I have lined up. The fetes I’m looking the most forward to are Silent Morning, Caesar’s Army AMBUSH and Beachhouse all-inclusive simply because you need a great cruise, j’ouvert and premium fete in any carnival lineup and these have never disappointed.

FL: You are known for your in-depth, authentic vlogs of fetes, holding back no punches how do you think the fetes in Trinidad & St Lucia can be elevated to give Feters the ultimate experience.

O:As a member of event committees and a carnival band and as a video blogger, I am exposed to both sides of the coin when it comes to the event experience. I think that the application of Murphy’s law “whatever can go wrong will go wrong” is key in being able to provide the best experience for patrons. It allows for backup plans to be in place at any moment. I think a lot of times promoters and brands can become complacent after having prior successful events thus not adequately preparing for the worst. With that being said, having the insight of being on these committees and knowing the hard work and logistics behind these events, I think promoters are doing and amazing job in Trinidad, St. Lucia and other islands where final product experience is concerned.

FL: When buying fete tickets, General or VIP & Why & what happens when General is pumpin’ more than VIP? 

O:When buying fete tickets, I generally lean towards VIP for the simple fact that I don’t like going to the bar to wait forever for drinks. However, promoters tend to put VIP very far from General which is where the vibes are. With that being said, one great thing about Trinidad Carnival is that a lot of the fetes are one price for all, expensive! That way, premium service and explosive vibes are meshed in the same space. RIP to our bank accounts though. 

FL: What’s next for OHGVIBE in 2020?

O: What’s next for OHGVIBE in 2020? Definitely new carnival experiences and brand collaborations. I’m also excited to improve my product and angle with every video I put out so definitely look out for that. But most importantly, I’m excited to experience the unknown! 

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